Jessie just re-hung the gallery to highlight our inventory of paintings by Robert Flanary. There are 26 paintings in all. Most are framed—those are shown on Robert’s page, here—but there’s also a large number of unframed (or ready-to-frame!) pieces.

Robert Flanary
“Wildflower Meadow”
Oil on linen panel, 12″ x 10″. $1,700 framed.
A long time customer, a painter, came through last week as we were preparing to hang the exhibit, and commented that she didn’t know of a more sensitive painter than Robert. She was particularly struck by the subtle touch of his brushwork on one painting’s linen support. But the observation extended to every aspect of Robert’s work.

Robert Flanary
“A Winter Day”
2022. Oil on canvas, 11″ x 14″. $1,800 framed.
Much of that has to do with Robert’s masterful ability to paint atmosphere. Where other artists set out to paint features on the land—trees, rocks, creeks, hills—Robert seems to focus on what ties them together: he paints the air.

Robert Flanary
“Early Spring”
2021. Oil on canvas, 16″ x 20″. $3,400 framed.
But that’s not all. As I wrote on the occasion of a one-man show we had for him a couple of years ago, Robert Flanary: Seeing All Together, the artist’s flawlessly rendered perspective draws us in to that intoxicating atmosphere, and we get lost in it.

Robert Flanary
“Scatter Creek Meadow”
Oil on linen panel, 8″ x 10″. $1,300 framed.
The gallery’s highlight of Robert Flanary’s landscape paintings is on display through February 22. We hope you’ll come enjoy them with us!
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