David Lance Goines, “Asilomar”

1978. Framed in No. 15 CV—A (custom stops) — 2-1/4″, in Honduran mahogany (Brown Mahogany stain).

I grew up with David Goines‘s posters; his “Velo Sport”, advertising the bike shop where I bought my first ten speed, hung in my bedroom. Closely associated with Alice Waters and Chez Panisse, his graphic design has literally made a permanent mark on the culture of Berkeley. So it’s always a pleasure to frame his work. Asilomar, designed by Julia Morgan, is a place particularly suited to Goines’s artistic tastes, rooted as they both are in the Arts and Crafts movement.

Mahogany was the obvious choice for this frame, which Trevor Davis made, and was stained to be in harmony with the background of the image, only a bit darker to keep the eye on the poster. Posters can hardly be too simply framed. I always keep in mind the poster designer’s imperative to be bold and direct and simple. The dark gray bands in this image gave me my cue for the frame design because they are part of the ground pattern that’s a foil to the main interest of the poster design which is the lovely flowers. We have made several No. 15 CV—A frames with straight stops near the corners. In this case we simply rounded them to match Goines’s treatment of the bands in the poster image.